What's the Cloud?

Now if you're already into technology, you can safely ignore this post!

However if you're still relatively new to technology and you mainly rely on others to do your IT stuff and you want to get a grasp of all this tech speak, this post may be of interest.

So what's the Cloud?
The Cloud is the generic name for data (i.e content, services or applications) which are not stored on the hard drive on your desk, but stored elsewhere.

The "elsewhere" is known as "The Cloud".

Can I give you an example of this Cloud?

Of course, think about how you use technology today or even how you access documents or services or applications...

Let's start with just one example:

If you keep all your photos on your phone, you are not using the Cloud.

If you transfer your photos to the hard drive on your computer, you are not using the Cloud.

If you transfer those photos to Instagram or Pinterest, you have most likely copied them to the Cloud.  They can still exist on your phone and on your computer, they are now also in the Cloud.

By uploading the pictures to the Cloud makes it so much easier for others to see and share your pictures without affecting your phone or your own machine at home or at work.

This demonstrates the value of Cloud computing.  You can share your story or someone else's without them knowing about it and without it affecting you.

There are many applications and tools that use Cloud computing and you may have heard of them and perhaps you haven't.  Now you can at least understand the basics and have a better idea of what the fuss is about.

Today when someone says, "it's in the Cloud", you can feel somewhat confident that you at least have a basic understanding of what they are talking about.

What apps can I use that are in the Cloud?
iCloud, Dropbox, Instagram, Pinterest and so much more.

The Cloud has become such an integral part of life and business that I often take it for granted and always expect it to be available.

One of the main concerns about using the Cloud is security i.e to say, how secure is it?

Some say very, others disagree.

You will have to make your own mind up about it as there is just enough information available about both sides to confuse an expert let alone a novice.

We recommend Cloud computing to you as essentially it means that you do not have to walk around with a "brick" in your pocket in order to access your data anywhere.  If you've got the data or the app in the Cloud, it's at your finger tips.

That's why we highly recommend it.

Check it out today and see for yourself:

Share your thoughts or comments on how it has helped you.

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I wish you success as you become more familiar with these tips & tools and if you have a tip or tool that you'd like to share, then shout about it here

All the best in your journey & remember that "knowledge is potential power".

If you need a hand to implement any of the tips or tools we use or you're looking for how to move Forward Faster, just get in touch.

Wishing you every success always.
The Property Hunter


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Hanna Hunter is CEO and Founder of London Room Lets, a London based company specialising in helping landlords maximise their rental portfolio and providing boutique quality accommodation to working professionals.

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