How many miles?

If you do lots of viewings, you'll know that keeping track of your mileage is very important to ensure that you can claim the appropriate mileage allowance each month and certainly at the end of the tax year,

Here's how I ensure that every mile is tracked. 

I use TrackMyDrive

This easy to use app is the best out there. 

Why do I say that?

It has an Auto function which is always on in the background so you never need to remember to switch it on or off again. 

To get started, enter in the amount you're entitled to claim for reimbursement, set it to Auto track and you're ready. 

Here's what I've been doing since I started using it a few months ago. 

At the end of each day, I open the app, select if my journeys were business or pleasure and that's my mileage tracked.

At the end of each month download your report!

It really is that simple. 

Download TrackMyDrive  today and get started

That's how we use it at London Room Lets and why we highly recommend it.

Check it out today and see for yourself:

Share your thoughts or comments on how it has helped you.

ps.  Did I mention that it's free to get started.

To receive these Tips & Tools directly into your mailbox, then join us here, otherwise, come back often, adopt a tip or a tool and spread the word.  After all, "sharing is caring".

I wish you success as you become more familiar with these tips & tools and if you have a tip or tool that you'd like to share, then let us know here

All the best in your journey & remember that "knowledge is potential power".

If you need a hand to implement any of the tips or tools we use or you're looking for how to move Forward Faster, just get in touch.

Wishing you every success always.
The Property Hunter


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We love books - We recommend: Great Failures Of The Extremely Successful by Steve Young

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