Keep this to hand!

Have you discovered Google Keep yet?

I recently did and I love it.

Up until now, I used to use the Notes app on my phone to keep a record of ideas, thoughts and to dos.

However now that I've discovered Google Keep, I can hardly contain my excitement about it.

Why Google Keep and what is it?

Let me begin by explaining briefly what it is.

Google Keep is Post-it's on the go. That's right. Think of it as as a mobile #Post-it!

Keep is used to record notes, set reminders and create lists!

It is available on the phone and on your computer, I suspect that it works just as well with a PC as it works with a Mac and it synchronises across all your devices.  Nice

So what?
I use pen and paper, why should I bother with Google Keep?

If you are used to pen and paper and you're still wondering why the need to migrate to Google Keep, here's your answer.

Google Keep can...

  • - record notes - (of course - that's basic stuff)
  • - record your voice - (ok)
  • - log your pictures (that's cool)
And export easily to Google Docs (which we'll cover in another post).

Is the above a good enough reason to use it?

You decide.

Here's how I use it...

  • When out at a viewing, I'll make notes and take a photo there and then and possibly add some more notes.
  • When I get back, I can add any further notes, share these with team members or simply send to Google Docs.  (one draw back I've noticed is that the pictures don't appear to transfer to Google docs and Google need to fix this to get five stars from me.
  • When out and about, if I spot something of interest, I press record and the transcribed notes appear in Keep together with the recording of my voice message.

The three things I'd like Google to add to this productivity tool are:
  • Text formatting
  • The ability to forward the entire Keep note to Google docs (i.e images)
  • Make it an app for the desktop in its own right.  You currently have to access it via the Google App store.  Which can be a little inconvenient. However it does exist as an App in its own right on the mobile phone.
I'm sure you can find other ways to use it in your life and in your business, comment and tell us what you think.

Check it out today and see for yourself:

Share your thoughts or comments on how it has helped you.

ps.  Did I mention that it's free?

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I wish you success as you become more familiar with these tips & tools and if you have a tip or tool that you'd like to share, then let us know here

All the best in your journey & remember that "knowledge is potential power".

If you need a hand to implement any of the tips or tools we use or you're looking for how to move Forward Faster, just get in touch.

Wishing you every success always.
The Property Hunter

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